It's one of the few machines that has 2 features in conflict, and the player is left with the choice of pushing for a top box big win, or a streak, not knowing which one will have the better return.Ī case of 'don't mess with the original', and personally I never really liked Barcrests answer to Astra's share of the market.
It's got a big JP of 15 quid, which means the gameplay and profile is slow and empty for periods of a time, but you still play for the big red and blue streaks, but the main attraction of the machine can be wiped out or slown down further if you get a few random wins from the top.'s a well polished machine, but here's my opinion from a barcrest point of view. However barcrest wouldn't let it lie, and several re-incarnations later this pops up for the bingo market. I liked this when it was first released, as a 6 quid token machine, but never had the success as Red Hot Roll, due to better sounds I think.